In the south the war continues. In the north factional fighting carries on. In Panjshir the transition is being made from war to peace. The valley has an abundant supply of water and lush vegetation, and a proud history of repelling invaders. Ahmed Shah Masood led this province against the Soviets, and then again prevented the Taliban from taking hold in the 1990s.

His tanks once stopped the advancing russians so they had to resort to aerial bombardment. Now their tracks provide stability to stone walls.

The ammunition, once designed to destroy, is here used as a construction tool.

Panjshir was not welcoming to invading troops. Now the tank tracks and cogs are a doorstep to a Panjshiri house.
An impressive example of beating swords into ploughshares!
I read on an Internet site that the Italians, leaders in mountain guiding, have been training Afghani guides in the Panjshir region. Sounds like a wonderful place for trekking!
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