This here is a bicycle. All the bicycles here are the same chinese model.This one belongs to one of 90 returnees being trained in beekeeping as a source of income. It is much needed.
Bike Geeks note the brake levers connect to solid bars rather than wires, it all runs on levers and pivots. Tree Geeks note it is leaning on an orange tree. Camera geeks note Jamie's Canon 20 D in the background.
When I lived in China, I had a more modern bicycle - the brakes were operated by wires rather than levers. Now if the beekeeper attached real flowers to the handle bars, they would provide on-the-go nourishment for the bees! I look forward to seeing honey from Afghanistan in the local COOP.
good work chaps, gus - thas some good writing, informative and interesting to read. Jamie - great capture of the scenes of devestation as well as the vibe of the country. Worthy of some kind publication. stay out of trouble!
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